BOB (Belonging, Order, Balance) and BART (Boundaries, Authority, Roles, Task) point to foundational principles operating in family and organizational systems, respectively. Having considered the interplay of these principles through their grounding in Systemic Family Constellations and Tavistock/Group Relations, Lisa Iversen and Kate Regan developed a leadership program in 2016 to create a synthesis of insights, tools, and practices inspired by these fields. It is often difficult to acknowledge that our workplaces and organizations reflect, in part, the invisible truths of our families. The principles of BOB + BART continue to be used as maps (tools) to help us make visible and navigate these human dynamics successfully in various projects of the Center for Ancestral Blueprints. All current and upcoming BOB + BART events are listed on the Center for Ancestral Blueprints website.

What's Up with the Shoes? | What Have People Said about BOB+BART?

See BOB+BART's Past Projects


Organizations are temporary. They include multiple forms of work systems: sole proprietorships, professional associations and clubs, and the legal business structures of a family businesses. We create and join them briefly to serve their respective missions. Families and bloodlines continue through time. Family is universally the group where belonging begins. Understanding the difference between ‘belonging to’ and ‘joining’ a temporary group or organization requires discernment and discipline, especially when we judge our families to have fallen short or to have failed us in some way. The longing for family often predisposes us to seek ‘belonging’ in the groups we join.

While there are many forms of power, our original source of power is the life we receive from our parents, family, and the generations that precede us.

Authority is temporarily assigned by a group to facilitate the completion of a task.

Seeing, naming and learning to work in, through and beyond the family and group dynamics that block, hinder or derail us, frees us for authentic leadership. It enables us to create and contribute to organizations that express brilliance, get things done, earn a profit, and make a difference.

Meet Lisa + Kate

When we met, we gave each other something large to think about. As mind stopping as Robert Bly's deranged bear at your door or moose with your child in it’s antlers? Perhaps.

Here it is: There is no such thing as “work/life balance” because work and life, work and family do not exist on a seesaw, though we may feel as if they do.

The truth is: There is no clarity of role, or joy in work, if they are not rooted in life and belonging in our families.

It has been a four-year conversation. You are invited to join us.

— Kate and Lisa

Kate's Bio | Lisa's Bio

Things to Think
Think in ways you’ve never thought before.
If the phone rings, think of it as carrying a message
Larger than anything you’ve ever heard,
Vaster than a hundred lines of Yeats.
Think that someone may bring a bear to your door,
Maybe wounded and deranged; or think that a moose
Has risen out of the lake, and he’s carrying on his antlers
A child of your own whom you’ve never seen.
When someone knocks on the door, think that he’s about
To give you something large: tell you you’re forgiven,
Or that it’s not necessary to work all the time, or that it’s
Been decided that if you lie down no one will die.
— Robert Bly


BOB + BART is a project of the Center for Ancestral Blueprints. For current and upcoming BOB + BART events, visit the Center for Ancestral Blueprints website.

Kate | 415.902.8761 Lisa | 360.223.3538