Phone Introduction | Thursday May 28, 2015 – 7:00-8:30pm PDT | Conference Call
This 90-minute phone call offered a complementary introduction to the 2016 BOB + BART Leadership Intensive with Kate and Lisa.
Full Day Introductory Session | Friday June 5, 2015 – 9:00am-5:00pm | Bellevue, WA
This BOB + BART Introductory Session was offered through the quarterly “Facilitator Friday’s” series, hosted by the Center for Ancestral Blueprints. It was led by Lisa and Kate and dedicated to understanding and applying the principles of BOB & BART to your organization and career path.
“Come & See” Sessions | Friday June 19, 2015 @ 9am & 1pm | Bellevue, WA
These introductory sessions in Bellevue, provided an in-person sense of what it’s like to learn, work, and grow with Lisa and Kate as teachers and guides in the landscape of BOB + BART and explored questions about the BOB + BART Leadership Intensive.
“Come & See” Session | Tuesday July 21, 2015 @ 9am & 1pm | Concord, CA
Offered at STAND! For Families Free of Violence, this session provided an experience of how it is to learn, work, and grow with Lisa and Kate as teachers and guides in the landscape of BOB + BART.
WHELS (Women in Higher Education Leadership Summit) | Tuesday, August 4, 2015 | University of San Diego, San Diego, CA.
This three hour event with Kate and Lisa offered women in higher education an opportunity to explore their relationships to boundaries, authority, roles and task and the impact of family and ancestry on the way they hold power in organizations.
TEDx Spokane | Saturday, October 24, 2015 | Spokane, WA
Lisa spoke about the impact of separation from family and homeland on the history of the United States, the American propensity for innocence, and the difficulty in dealing with the U.S.’ history of slavery and Native American genocide. The implications for organizational functioning became evident. | Watch the video
“Why Does My Boss (or colleague, direct report, client…) Sound Like My Mom (dad, brother, sister…)?” | A BOB+BART Experiential Lab | All-day Saturday & Sunday morning | January 30 & 31, 2016 | Bellevue, WA.
This experiential program offers participants an opportunity to explore their relationship with authority and the ways in which old family roles and relationships may get triggered, either derailing or enlivening them. It provides a playground on which to create, structure, and study the organization of your dreams and offers opportunities to access the often unconscious power of groups, family, and ancestry.
View this event’s program page.
Women’s Leadership Intensive | January 29-31, 2016 and February 26, March 18, April 22, 2016 | Bellevue, WA
The 2016 Leadership Intensive is devoted to exploring the ways in which women experience their power, engage in or avoid competition, take up their authority, assume leadership, form alliances, and hold onto or let go of relationships.
This 4-month (6 day) program in Bellevue, WA, offers an experiential immersion into family and organizational systems. Working together as a professional cohort over the course of four months, you will access and make visible the familial, ancestral, systemic, historical, and sociocultural influences that guide you in your work and organizations, whether or not you are aware of them.
In a safe and supportive environment you’ll have the opportunity to face what inhibits or mobilizes you and make conscious your relationship to those triggers, thus shifting your effectiveness in your personal and professional life. This is not passive learning. Direct experience of your action and reaction will offer opportunities for profound and lasting insights. This on-your-feet process demands everyone bring the fullness of themselves for maximum insight and growth. Participants willing to fully engage will experience the series as stimulating, lively, challenging, and rewarding…positively influencing the way they live and work.
View this event’s program page
Webinar and Paper: “The BOB+BART Leadership Model Applied in a Domestic Violence Service Organization” | May 2016
Webinar and paper developed and written for Strong Field LDP Organizational Coaching Project sponsored by Compass Point. Written by Reina Sandoval-Beverly, Lisa Iversen, Kate Regan, Gloria Sandoval, and Sharon Turner.